"Self-Check Out"
I hate the new "Self Check Out" stands cropping up at my area grocery stores and retailers.
At first, I was enticed. Some of us, I think, have a little curiosity as to the mysterious role of the checker at the market. It's facinating to hear the beeps, marvel at the bar codes and to wonder if you had to; could you beat your checker in a check-out race?
These things should be outlawed.
First of all, due to the world in which we live, there is rightful concern on the part of the stores that someone will take advantage of the system and try to steal from them. So the machines are hyper-sensitive and prone to flash the red light above your station indicating that an idiot is trying to check out. I've had more conversation with the "Self Check Out" attendants than any checker who did the work for me in the past.
Secondly they are an absolute magnet for kids...who like you, wonder all the above things about the mysterious role of grocery store checker. They cannot wait to be the one to scan the things by their barcodes, hear the beep and push buttons on the touchscreen to complete the transaction.
Everytime I've been lured to those blasted things, I've regretted it.
Today was no exception...
I was trying to check out with 3 items + 4 kids = the idiot alarm being sounded 4 times!
The scale is so sensitive, that any toddlers fingers can set off the light. The magic eye thingy that reads the barcode easily scans things twice when you're trying to break up some hand to hand combat between 2 year olds, again setting off the idiot alarm. Then, inevitably, something rings up incorrectly so I HAVE TO ASK FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE, to clear up the problem.
Everytime I've been lured...I've regretted it...everytime...
I'm swearing it off...no more self-check out...or else I'll likely be self checking IN to a mental institution!