Your Life is not a Dress Rehearsal...

...So go out and live it! This blog exists because I just couldn't stop talking, about things that matter, about things that have eternal value...about things that resonate...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

"Momma, I luz you, luz you, luz you. You gives me a kiss, right now Momma, you gives me a kiss." - 2 year old

"I like it that you're home in the afternoons now. If I need you... to find out about something, I don't have to wait." - 7 year old

"You come with me so fun Momma" - 2 year old

"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a princess...with 8 children... I'll probably be a doctor....(Laughing a big stage laugh) Oh, Excuse me, I've got to go see my husband now...oh could you stay with my baby...her name is "Ciarina"(?)...she was just born." - one drama-prone 4 year old.

All these in *one* afternoon......a slice of life.


  • At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    An absolute abundance of joy you have there.
    Man, I love that drama girl! She is just too much!


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