Are You Out There?
Glad you found me...
This is not unlike when I began my radio career 6 years ago. I sat in that studio, my heart beating out of my chest, totally uncertain if anyone was listening...some of you were. Miraculously, some of you stayed. And today, I walked away from it all.
Tonight I begin writing a new blog, so we can stay in touch...are any of you out there?
So many calls and emails, some saying they felt as though they were losing a dear friend. My heart is heavy tonight knowing that some of you are sad. Truthfully, I'm sad too. But, I'm excited as well, excited for this new adventure the Lord is leading me upon. A little scared wondering if the significance I've had in some of your lives will now be over. Will, after a little time, what we shared each day from 4-6 be forgotten?
So many mixed emotions.
Through this departure from my show I've heard wonderful things about you. I know that some of you have truly taken to heart that your life is not a dress rehearsal. I've heard of many families beginning adoption processes! Many of you have begun to volunteer and share your gifts with others. Still more of you have said you're a little less fearful of change. Some of you asked for prayer as you face a choice like I've follow where God is leading, even though it seems adventurous and uncertain.
When I pushed open the sliding glass door tonight I was greeted by squeals and shrieks of "Momma's Home"! My 7 year old hugged my neck and said "no more afternoons apart!" I squeezed her tightly and tried to push away the bittersweet of turning off my microphone tonight.
What will I feel like tomorrow at 4? Perhaps I'm just a little melancholy tonight, but I'm worried about it...someone else will be speaking in my timeslot...and I can't go back.
But I will make phone calls tomorrow. I will schedule more performances for the Ugandan Orphans Choir, and I will know that there are children waiting in difficult places in the world, waiting for US sponsors to care enough to lift them out of poverty. It's an uncertain future, but in the words of Childcare Worldwide's Peru director, Alwin Rahmel: "We all must do what we can for the children."
Tomorrow a new day dawns, no more radio host...just a woman doing what I can for the children.
I'll keep writing, if you'll keep reading. Let me hear your comments. I need feedback!
At 2:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm the first Commenter! Hiya Amanda, short time listener long time talker. Grrreat show today, the feeling was honest and strong all the way through and it was hard sitting there totally unaffected, lol. Get that knot in the throat feeling. Well what more can I say that I haven't said in the previous email, refer to it for more of the same basic sentiment, lol. Hope things are well, Cobalt.
At 6:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
As my husband said when we heard you were leaving, "Where will we get our insight?!" We will continue to learn from your experiences and are happy to keep in touch through your blog. Thanks, Amanda!
At 7:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Amanda for this blog as a means of 'keeping in touch'. Even without a blog 'your touch' will not be forgotten or minimalized. God has given you so many gifts and blessings to share. I'm happy you are sharing them with 'forgotten children' while in the presence of your own loved ones and letting others know how its going too! You'll do just great in this new venture.
At 7:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Amanda, Wow...must say I was bummed when I heard you were leaving... But somewhere in the back of my mind I pictured you doing something for the children of the world...and now you're doing it! Keep in touch! AR
At 8:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Amanda! You've successfully crossed over to the new media. I look forward to reading your posts and eventually hearing your podcasts. (You might have to look that one up!)
At 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think you've got blogging down already--great post!
At 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Recalling when I've gotten a somewhat 'displaced' feeling - identity in 'what I do or did' and now what?!? But God graciously releases us into the 'abyss' - floundering some to regain our footing. He gives us another place to glorify HIM and make HIM known!
... "He gives and takes away, my heart will choose to say - BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!" Sing it out with your girls today at 3:00 & 4:00 today! Cris T
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
A new season in life and exciting! We've both been around long enough to know that in order to get a good, solid hold on the next thing God has for you, you have to let go of the last thing. It may feel like you're hanging from a trapese with no net above a big crowd which is watching and holding their breath. But never fear. You are the flyer and the One who is calling will catch you in His strong hands. I can just see you, Amanda, joyfully flying through the air with the greatest of ease, winding up for a tripple and shouting, "Watch this!"
Can you hear me cheering? :) Kristin
At 9:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am praying for your tears to just come as change always hurts a little...and it helps us heal. I am praying for an anointing of joy deep in your heart- a missionary friend once said there are hurts all over the world but all you can take care of is the ones standing in front of you...
sing with your little girls, just read books and drink cocoa today and have a sad quiet day, tomorrow will be brand new! Im Kay I wrote you yesterday... from fly lady to dr. sylvia to stories of adoption to precious african can do this amanda we believe in you!k
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Amanda!
Your blog looks quite lovely! As the first commenter said, I too got a know in my throat at the end of your show.
But you go girl for taking a leap and helping those precious children!!!
Melissa (midwife-to-be)
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is a great idea! Your friends can still stay in contact and get some advice!
Great show last night. I do believe the tears did fall after you turned off the mike. I know I was choked up.
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is the 2nd "blog" I've ever read, and the first time I've ever posted on one, but you asked for feedback so here goes!
After 6 years I feel like I know you somewhat, and I'm glad to know that you have started this blog to allow your fan club to keep in touch with you! I hope you will use this site to share your wisdom and insights on current events and topics of lasting significance. I'm going to miss my daily dose of laughs and solid news from you!
I can't think of a fancy username, so I'll sign this post as "anonymous". Maybe someday I'll get official...
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear dear dear oh dear AMANDA.... of course you'll do MORE great things. Just trying to figure out how we can ride the wave together! I like to think I had a small role in tugging you into the adoption world and quite frankly hope to see even more kids come home because of you!
Hugs all around to you and your family and that little guy in China who has no idea what's in store for him soon.... oh my is this going to be fun or what?
Your admired by so many my friend and that includes me too!
Heidi Hawkins
Children's House International
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
God bless you Amanda! Keep your chin up high knowing you had a profound affect on those who faithfully listened to you and felt something was missing on days that we didn't. You will most definitely be missed, but you are blessing many in your new role. We will miss hearing your voice, but look forward to hearing it again in the future! Another homeschool mom, Pam.
At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Miss Amanda,
I am so glad that you are doing this; both the blog and the job change. I think that the blog will provide you with the creative out let you need and the booking gig will most certainly fulfill your purpose.
Love ya sister!
At 8:21 PM,
Deanna K. said…
We're still here, Amanda.
You've made so many friends that you've never met and we're all pretty stinkin' loyal. And glad that you've not left us completely alone.
...either that or we're just sadly co-dependent. :)
Keep up the blogness!
At 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
You did good Amanda! I'm proud of you for what you're doing. We're ALL proud of you. YOUR life is anything BUT a dress rehearsal! Dwight.
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey nice job! Thanks for all the memories. I don't know what you thought about the new show today, but it sure is NOT the Real Life with Amanada Hostetler. Good luck with your new beginnings. Give us something to talk about!
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! It has been incredible to know you and call you a dear friend. I so wanted to call in on your last show with my "best memory" of Real Life...I must say that the tale of stealing your own car back has got to be the funniest, slap yourself silly moment I can remember on the air. God bless you and your family as you start this new chapter!! You will be richly rewarded.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! It has been incredible to know you and call you a dear friend. I so wanted to call in on your last show with my "best memory" of Real Life...I must say that the tale of stealing your own car back has got to be the funniest, slap yourself silly moment I can remember on the air. God bless you and your family as you start this new chapter!! You will be richly rewarded.
At 1:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
K.H. summed it up right there, right when you said "GoodNight" and the station went silent for a bit I could almost imagine hearing a desert wind blowing. If it helps, it now takes 3 DJs and 2 Shows to fill in the space you've established, lol.
At 8:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
So let's try this again...apparently I am new at posting comments to blogs!!! If this posts twice well, then double the blessing!!!
K & I are so happy for you...You are living your Chazown - You are in the sweet spot of life or Tov in hebrew :) I know the emotions you are going through - it is sad, exciting, scary and full of peace all at once! Hold on, Girlfriend, you are in the front row of an exciting adventure :) We love you!!...and hope that your plants survived!
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amanda, my hoosier sister, you have done good. I am so excited for your new adventures. A few weeks ago, I too decided to leave a position that has been my life's work so far to venture out into the world for something new. I know I am being led by that internal nudging that says its time for a new chapter. You are an inspiration to me that listening to that internal voice is the right thing to do. This blog is a great way to you to keep in touch and for all of us to keep in touch.
Cheri @womencare shelter
At 4:52 PM,
Deanna K. said…
i'm so glad you haven't left us completely! we are working on adjusting to not having your voice, wit, humor, insight, etc., fill the space in our cars and kitchen each afternoon, allbeit somewhat grudgingly ;) so yes! a resounding yes! we are here. we love that you have set up a blog! we look forward to "hearing" you, though it may not be on a radio wave. at least this way we can "listen" to you anytime, and no grumbling is heard when the sun goes down and the station powers down for the evening :)
At 6:51 PM,
Stinky Mouse said…
Hi Amanda,
I only got to hear your program occasionally because of my work schedule, but I did listen when I could. I also very much enjoyed the two times you had Tina, me, and Kai on. As chance would have it, I did get to hear the last few minutes of your final show, I was glad I did - it was very touching. Glad to see you are blogging - I'll be tuning in regularly!
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was feeling both great sadness and excitement as I listened to your last show. "Who will be taking her place?, Will they inspire and make me laught as much?" were the thoughts going through my head. As I drive my children around afternoons there was always a light knowing I could turn on the radio and hear a friend and comforting voice. But then the excitement to hear you as you follow God's call for your life and living out the challenge you always throw out to us. What an amazing example of a true follower of Chirst and what an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being obedient in your walk. You inspire me!
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