Your Life is not a Dress Rehearsal...

...So go out and live it! This blog exists because I just couldn't stop talking, about things that matter, about things that have eternal value...about things that resonate...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The single life...

One more thought that kept rattling around in my head during my recent business trip without the family....

As I am a people-watcher...I, well, watch people...all the time...

Often I make up stories in my head about the people I watch.

But the thought was constantly in my mind as I watched the hurried, harried travelers this past many of them are lonely?

This culture tells us that kids are burdens. That to be single and free is the ultimate know....nothing to tie you down...

But I was so thankful for my I missed them life is so full of love...

I am, if you say burdened...then blessed overwhelmingly with my "burdens"

Traveling Solo

Had a very strange experience...

I traveled withOUT my kids and dearest hubby last weekend.

I had to go to take care of some business in the South with the choir I manage so I was up early on Friday, leaving home at 5 am. Traveling by shuttle to the airport got me there 2 hours prior to my flight. Then...the dreaded words came after a 1 hour delay..."Flight XXX has been canceled" Gotta love it...

I was re-booked on another airline for a flight 3.5 hours later (for those of you keeping score at home...that amounts to 6.5 hours of chill time in the airport.) They lost my bag, of course, and I was without a change of underwear...but something else was strange...

I had no children with me.

Professional business travelers when faced with the above scenario get ticked...some, red hot mad. While traveling with our entire brood, such news would have nearly caused me to stroke...but alone, in the that was interesting...

I was entirely self-absorbed. I did computer work. Read a book nearly through. Went to the bathroom whenever I needed to. Chose the "restaurant" where I purchased my breakfast and lunch. Cut no one's food up. Completely zoned out for periods of time...looking at nothing....thinking about nothing. Played a computer game on my laptop. It was amazing...

And the, the peace I experienced during this "disaster" of a traveling day revealed some truth in my life...

When a day stranded in the airport...seems that it is as pleasurable as a day at the spa...

You've got a hectic life...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fair Time...with my family...

It's been six years since I could share the local fair with MY family.

I've spent the last six years broadcasting live from the fair, a radio talk show. And, telling the truth, for the first several years...I loved it. It was great fun to see people, to listen to them and then to use them as show material.

But today...a rare treat...I was exclusively at the fair...with my kids. We took leisurely walks through the animal barns, sat aimlessly watching a magic show, enjoyed obscure sights and sounds and just ENJOYED the fair.

What a joy. What a joy!

Life is so often too busy...rushed...adrenaline our fuel of choice...but not today...

Had a long time listener see me. She inquired of my non-radio life and she said...

"You look so you're really ENJOYING yourself..." can say that again...How could I not?

...these are the good days...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Conflict...does it make the world go 'round?

I've been pondering some deep thoughts recently.

Okay...not deep for any of you Mensa cardholding readers...but deep for me.

Conflict, as constant as the sunrise and it's setting.

Yet, as Westerners...we mask conflict and the anxiety it creates with all sorts of tools. Anyone for a cigarette? Too uncouth now? How about a drink? Would you feel better if you just went shopping and bought something new for your home or your closet? A nice dinner out with a big, decadent dessert?

Maybe the "feeling" of conflict is only afforded those of us who have little concern for anything vital...abundant food, medicine, clean drinking water...many children no doubt think that water has always come from the tap at the sink...not the river. We've got no crucial, survival things to worry we can mull over offenses and miscommunications.

Many of us will do anything to avoid conflict. We lie to others...

"Its really not that bad"..."No really, I'm not upset with you"..."I'll just get over it with a little distance."

But living life, a life where you're in the present, takes courage to face it.

Just reflecting on the past week there's been a fair amount of conflict and each time a choice to make. To live in the present, to feel the anxiety and yet to push through it and face up or to avoid it...anyway I can.

There's that moment, when the conflict is close and personal, when you're emotions can lead you to rage or tears...and it takes intent to maintain control. To choose the correct words, ones that you'll not regret, not unduly hurtful...but still honest...on point.

Does it ever get easier?

Because as a Westerner...the most intellegent question I can muster is...does it ever get easier?

Easy does it...right?